Burning is NOT allowed during Fire Season.
Back yard wood debris burning is only allowed late Fall to mid-Spring. WITHOUT a permit from DFPA. DFPA lists current burn restrictions on their website: https://www.dfpa.net
When allowed, items which may be burned include untreated wood, paper, and vegetation. Back yard burn piles must be attended until fully extinguished, and burning is allowed between 7:30am until 2 hours before sunset.
Oregon Law prohibits the burning of garbage, styrofoam, plastics, rubber, carpet or foam padding, roofing materials, and other items which emit dense smoke, toxic chemicals, or noxious odors.
For additional information on what is allowed to be burned, go to: https://www.oregon.gov/deq/FilterDocs/OpenBurnEng.pdf or access the Oregon DEQ's website: https://www.oregon.gov/deq/aq/pages/burning.aspx
Thank you for burning wisely!
Glide Rural Fire Protection District